Navigating Insomnia: The Impact of Oxygen Therapy on Sleep Quality
Good sleep can make people have a more awake and relaxed day, and their work and study efficiency will be very high the next day. Everybody needs their sleep! But how can you wake up feeling rested when there are 99 sheep keeping you from a good night’s sleep?
Usually a person's breathing rate decreases when entering a light sleep stage, and can become quite erratic during non-rapid eye movement sleep.Not everyone can sleep peacefully amid these changes.
Sleeping with an oxygen concentrator can help you maintain your oxygen levels throughout the night, and your physician may prescribe this when consulted.
Whether or not you use an oxygen concentrator while you sleep, there are many sleep strategies worth trying. It's important that you wake up every morning ready for the day!
Some of the following practices can even help keep your oxygen levels steady throughout the night and ultimately lead to a more restorative night's sleep.
Insist on exercising for 30 minutes a day.
Exercising during the day not only improves sleep quality, it also prolongs sleep at night. But don't exercise before going to bed, it will make you very excited, it is impossible to have a good sleep. Going for a jog in the morning, walking after dinner, cycling, or taking a tai chi class can significantly improve your sleep quality. You can start now.
Do not drink beverages, tea or coffee before bed.
Caffeine Any drink with caffeine makes you high before bed, so you can't fall back asleep.While the caffeine level in certain sodas is certainly a consideration, in this case, we’re thinking about the carbonation. Carbonated beverages can produce gas that pushes on the diaphragm, making breathing more difficult.
Establish bedtime rules.
Go to bed and wake up together every morning. Of course the same is true on weekends, cultivate a good biological clock!This may not always be possible: some nights, you may be out later and some mornings, you may need to set an earlier alarm for a meeting or appointment. But try your best! When your body has a sleep cycle to rely on, you can more naturally achieve sleep, even if you are sleeping with an oxygen concentrator during the night.
Specify where you sleep.
Whether you're catching up with your partner during the day, or reading a chapter of your book club book, there are some helpful activities you can do before bed.Many of these activities can be performed as part of establishing a nightly routine. In this case, we ask you to consider where they occur.
It is important to designate your bed and bedroom for sleep.
That way, a sudden reminder of an errand you forgot to run or the death of your favorite character in a book you're reading is more likely to save you from falling asleep.
Practice techniques for airway clearance before bed.
Techniques for airway clearance are something you can practice throughout the day, especially after meals; however, this is especially useful before bed. This tactic may help you more naturally maintain oxygen levels throughout the night, whether or not you are sleeping with an oxygen concentrator.
One technique is coughing. Another technique worth trying over coughing, though, is huffing. It’s less tiring!To huff, take a breath in. Then, exhale forcefully.Practice this technique more gently if you are new to it. Eventually, you can try huffing in front of a mirror with the goal of steaming it up.