Jobs That Can Cause Occupational Lung Diseases & Does Oxygen Concentrators help Restrictive Lung Disease?

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Some of the jobs which are more likely to cause occupational lung diseases include:


The workers who are involved with drywall products, cement insulation, concrete, sanding, and drilling tools are likely to develop lung diseases. These workers inhale dust in renovation and demolition work that can cause asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.


The welding process involves working with molten metal that produces toxic fumes which can cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and cancer of urinary tract, larynx, and lungs.


Workers at mining sites are at a high risk of developing several lung diseases as they are prone to lung ailments such as silicosis, COPD, and pneumoconiosis known as black lung.


These workers are exposed to beryllium which causes berylliosis or lung cancer. Some of the symptoms of berylliosis are shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue and dry cough.


Factory workers inhale gasses, chemicals, and dust that can cause COPD. In some cases, it causes bronchiolitis obliterans which is a more serious form of COPD.

Does oxygen help restrictive lung disease?

Image result for can work-related lung diseases be prevented by oxygen concentrators

The main treatment for restrictive lung disease is supportive oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy helps people with lung diseases get enough oxygen, even when their lungs cannot fully expand. Some people may need oxygen only at night or after exerting themselves. Others need oxygen all or most of the time.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Lung Disease?
Oxygen therapy is an excellent treatment option for lung disease.Supplemental oxygen does not cure lung disease, but it is an important therapy that improves symptoms and organ function.

If your lung disease is limiting the amount of oxygen reaching your organs, muscles, and other tissue through your bloodstream, you may need oxygen therapy. Many types of lung conditions are treated with oxygen therapy.

This treatment works by pumping oxygen from a portable tank through a tube to a mask worn over your nose or mouth. Or, oxygen travels through smaller tubes placed in the nostrils. There are larger, non-portable oxygen tanks for home or hospital use. The goal is to increase the amount of oxygen you inhale.

People with a lung disease, such as idopathaic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF), can benefit from oxygen therapy. Your doctor may determine how much oxygen therapy you need based on your condition and activity level.

Symptoms of low blood oxygen include fatigue, shortness of breath, and confusion. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, tell your doctor immediately. You may notice a big improvement once you start oxygen therapy.

We’re sincerely wish that our oxygen concnetrators can help you to reduce the painful of your lung disease. Here are some recommendations for you:

If you want to keep one at home, you can choose our home oxygen concentrators. When you sleep you will feel more comfortable . When you are working, you can choose our portable machine to reduce the inhalation of harmful substances, and you don't have to worry too much about the side effects of work, making it easier for you to work.

Home Oxygen Concnetrator:

Medical Grade Oxygen Concentrator ZH-A51

Most Affordable oxygen concentrator: MAF015A

Portable Oxygen Concentrator:

Best Seller: NT-01

Highly Ratted:NT-03